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From GRFSpecs
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- Action0 - Defines new properties for anything added or changed by the NewGRF
- Basic Action2
2 Vehicles Stations Canals & Rivers Bridges Houses Global Settings Industry Tiles Industries Cargos Sound Effects Airports Signals Objects Railtypes Airport Tiles Roadtypes Tramtypes Road Stops Badges Towns
- VariationalAction2 - A conditional switch that determines a callback result or chains to another Action 2
- VarAction2Advanced - Advanced features of Variational Action 2
- Global Variables
VA2 Vehicles Stations Canals & Rivers Bridges Houses Global Settings Industry Tiles Industries Cargos Sound Effects Airports Signals Objects Railtypes Airport Tiles Roadtypes Tramtypes Road Stops Badges Towns
- RandomAction2 - A randomized Variational Action 2
R Vehicles Stations Canals & Rivers Bridges Houses Global Settings Industry Tiles Industries Cargos Sound Effects Airports Signals Objects Railtypes Airport Tiles Roadtypes Tramtypes Road Stops Badges Towns
- Callbacks - List of available callbacks
- Action3 - Associates Action 2s with an Action 0
3 Vehicles Stations Canals & Rivers Bridges Houses Global Settings Industry Tiles Industries Cargos Sound Effects Airports Signals Objects Railtypes Airport Tiles Roadtypes Tramtypes Road Stops Badges Towns
- Action3LiveryOverride - Change wagon livery to match the engine
- Action4 - Defines text strings
- Action5 - Replaces base set sprites not present in the original TTD.
- Action6 - Modifies the contents of the following sprite
- Action7 - Conditionally skips sprites or jumps to a label
- GameConfigFlags - Configuration flags for Action 7/9 Variable 85
- Action8 - Defines GRFID, Name and Description
- Action9 - (see action 7 above)
- ActionA - Replaces TTD base set sprites
- ActionB - Generates an error message
- ActionC - Does nothing (can be used to embed comments)
- ActionD - Assigns parameters and calculates results
- ReadingOtherGRFParameters - Reading another GRF file's parameters
- ReadingGameSettings - Reading game configuration settings
- GRFResourceManagement - Preventing conflicts with limited resources
- ActionE - Deactivates a NewGRF file
- ActionF - Defines new town name styles
- Action10 - Defines a label for action 7/9
- Action11 - Defines new sounds
- Action12 - Adds Unicode font glyphs
- Action13 - Translates GRF-specific strings
- Action14 - Static NewGRF information (OpenTTD only)
- RealSprites - Sprites that actually are drawn on the screen
- RecolorSprites - Changing other sprites' colors
Graphics properties
- Palettes - Palettes used by the game
- Coordinates - Coordinates used for sprite alignement
TTD defaults
- DefaultHouseProps - Default property values for TTD's houses
- IndustryTileDefaultProps - Default property values for TTD's industry tiles
- IndustryDefaultProps - Default properties values for TTD's industries
- CargoDefaultProps - Default property values for TTD's cargo types
- VehicleIDs - Default vehicle IDs
- NML:Default_Vehicle_Properties - Default Vehicle Properties (NML)
- AirportTypes - Default Airport IDs
- AirportTileDefaultProps - Default airport tile properties
NewGRF commons
- Cargo classes - Commonly used cargo classes
- Cargo labels - Commonly used cargo labels
- Object classes - Commonly used object clases
- Rail/road/tram type labels - Commonly used labels for rail/road/tram types
- Features - List of all features and feature-specific actions.
- Base Costs
- Vehicle Refitting
- GRF loading stages
- Global variables
- Storages
- String control codes
- Text IDs (TTD + TTDPatch + NewGRF defined)
- Syntax details
- Types of version numbers used throughout the specs
- Debugging NewGRFs
- TTDPatch error codes on loading NewGRFs