Action0/Industry Tiles

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Industry tiles work similarly to town buildings, except that they are not stand-alone; they are always part of an industry.

Defining industry tiles follows the same schema as houses do: to start using an ID, you first need to define it by setting property 8 for it. If you try to reference an ID (either via action0 or via action3) that isn't defined, your request is ignored, but not reported as an error, either. This means that if you want to conditionally define an ID, all you need to do is skipping the action0 that sets property8, and everything else gets skipped automatically.

Industry tile IDs are unique within each grf file. The per-GRF ID is specified as a byte, which means no GRF can define more than 256 tile IDs. You should use your industry tile IDs sparingly. Variational action 2 variable 43 for industry tiles can help you limiting tile consumption to 2 or 3 per industry. Avoid using tile FFh, so the tileID can be turned into an extended byte (in Action 3) in the distant future without breaking your NewGRF.

Supported by TTDPatch In total, TTDPatch can have up to a total of 256 new industry tile IDs (i.e. old tile types don't count).

Supported by OpenTTD OpenTTD can have 512 IDs for all active grf files, but that includes non-overridden original tiles.


Property Size Version Description
08 B Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 43)2.5 Substitute building type
09 B Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 43)2.5 Industry tile override
0A,0B,0C W Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 Tile acceptance
0D B Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 49)2.5 Land shape flags
0E B Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 54)2.5 Callback flags
0F W Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 54)2.5 Animation information
10 B Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 54)2.5 Animation speed.
11 B Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 54)2.5 Triggers for callback 25
12 B Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (beta 2)2.5 Special flags
13 V Supported by OpenTTD 1.9 (e66cec8f)1.9 Not supported by TTDPatch Tile acceptance list
14 W n*W Supported by OpenTTD 1515 Not supported by TTDPatch List of badges


Substitute tile type (08)

This tile type will be used instead of your new one if your definition isn't available for any reason. Valid values are 00h-AEh. Assigning this property copies the properties of the old type just like it does with houses.

If this tile's action 3 appears before this property is set, the action 3 will have no effect.

Industry tile override (09)

Works like the house override property for houses.

Tile acceptance (0A, 0B, 0C)

These three words define what cargoes the tile accepts, and how much of them. The low byte defines the type of the cargo according to the current climate, while the high byte defines the degree of acceptance in 1/8 units. If you don't need all three cargo types, just zero out the high byte of the extra properties.

GRFv≥7 From GRF version 7 and above, the meaning of the low byte changes: instead of a climate-dependent cargo slot number, you have to give a climate-independent cargo ID. If your GRF has a cargo translation table, then this ID is the index in that table; otherwise, it's the cargo bit. Acceptance of cargoes not currently present will automatically be disabled.

Supported by OpenTTD 1.9 (e66cec8f)1.9 Not supported by TTDPatch These properties only support three cargos. Use property 13 instead to list more cargo types.

Land shape flags (0D)

This property defines which slopes the tile can be built on.

Bit Value Version Meaning
0 1 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 NW edge cannot be lowered
1 2 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 NE edge cannot be lowered
2 4 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 SW edge cannot be lowered
3 8 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 SE edge cannot be lowered
4 10 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 Can only be built on flat land
5 20 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 58)2.5 The tile is allowed on both land and water

Industry tiles are never built on steep slopes unless callback 2F is enabled, but bits 0..4 are ignored in that case.

Bit 5 can be used to allow tiles of land industries built on water or vice versa. It effectively disables the land/water check code for the tile. If you need to customize the behavior further, you can use callback 2F to decide what kind of water/land is allowed.

Be careful when setting this property. If you fail to set it correctly, your industry may end up building on a hillside, which is probably not what you want. The easiest way is to set bit 4 for middle tiles, bit 0 for the tiles along the SE edge, bit 1 for those along the SW edge and so on.

Callback flags (0E)

Bit value version meaning
0 1 Supported by OpenTTD Supported by TTDPatch use callback 26 to decide the next animation frame
1 2 Supported by OpenTTD Supported by TTDPatch use callback 27 to decide animation speed
2 4 Supported by OpenTTD Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 55 vcs 3)2.5 use callback 2B to decide amount of acceptance
3 8 Supported by OpenTTD Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (alpha 55 vcs 3)2.5 use callback 2C to decide accepted types
4 10 Supported by OpenTTD Supported by TTDPatch use callback 2F to check if a slope is suitable
5 20 Supported by OpenTTD Supported by TTDPatch use callback 30 to decide if default foundations need to be drawn
6 40 Supported by OpenTTD Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (beta 3)2.5 use callback 3C to allow or deny autosloping below the tile

Please note that callback 25 doesn't have a bit here. To use callback 25, simply set the wanted bits in property 11 and it will work as intended.

Animation information (0F)

The low byte specifies the number of animation frames minus one, so 00 means 1 frame, 01 means 2 frames etc. The maximum number of frames is 256, although you can have some problems if your animation exceeds FD (253) frames. The high byte must be 0 for non-looping animations and 01 for looping animations. Every other value is reserved for future use. In addition, if the whole word contains FFFF, animation is turned off for this tile (this is the default value).

Animation speed (10)

The meaning is the same as for house property 1B, but the lower limit is 0 instead of 2, so the fastest possible animation changes frames every game tick (27ms). The default value is 2.

Triggers for callback 25 (11)

Call callback 25 when:

Bit Value Version Meaning Var 18
0 1 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 the construction state changes
1 2 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 the tile is processed in the periodic processing loop
2 4 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 the industry of the tile is processed in the periodic processing loop (synchronized animation)
3 8 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.52.5 the industry of the tile receives input cargo from a station
4 10 Supported by OpenTTD 0.60.6 Supported by TTDPatch 2.5 (beta 2)2.5 the industry distributes its output cargo to one of the stations nearby

Currently no trigger provides additional information in var 18.

Special flags (12)

Bit Value Meaning
0 1 Callback 26 needs random bits
1 2 Supported by OpenTTD 1.9 (e66cec8f)1.9 Not supported by TTDPatch In addition to the cargotypes set by property 0A..0C and 13, the tile accepts all cargotypes which the industry accepts.
  • This considers industry properties 11 and 26 and callback 14B.
  • This does not consider industry callback 3D.
  • This property adds 8/8 acceptance for the matching cargotypes. You can list negative acceptances (-8/8) in property 13 to exclude specific cargos.
  • Tile callback 2C overrides all acceptances including those added by this flag.

Tile acceptance list (13)

Supported by OpenTTD 1.9 (e66cec8f)1.9 Not supported by TTDPatch


<numinput> (<cargotype> <acceptance>)*
Size Variable Meaning
B numinput Number of (<cargotype> <acceptance>) pairs to follow,
B cargotype Cargotype (from CTT) to accept.
B acceptance Acceptance in 1/8 units. May be negative to negate property 12 bit 1.

This property defines up to 16 cargotypes, which are accepted by the industry tile. Use this property instead of property 0A..0C.
