TextIDs/Train strings
Train strings 8800 - 8FFF
8800 \94\80 Train Depot
8801 \98\0fCitizens celebrate . . .\0dFirst train arrives at \80!
8802 \94\80 (Details)
8803 \94Train in the way
8804 \01\0A\7D: \80
8805 \AF\01\0A\7D: \80
8806 Go to \80
8807 Go to \80 (Unload)
8808 Go to \80 (Load)
880A Go non-stop to \80
880B Go non-stop to \80 (Unload)
880C Go non-stop to \80 (Load)
880E Go to \80 Train Depot
880F Go non-stop to \80 Train Depot
8810 \95Heading for \80
8811 \95Heading for \80 Train Depot
8812 \95Empty
8813 \95\80 from \80
8814 \94Train | is waiting in depot
8815 \98New Vehicles
8816 \98-
8817 \98Cost: \8a\7f\98 Weight: \8a|t\0d\98Speed: \8a\84\98 Power: \8a|hp\0d\98Running Cost: \8a\7f/yr\0d\98Capacity: \8a\80\0d\98Designed: \8a~\98 Life: \8a| years\0d\98Max. Reliability: \8a}%
8818 \98Information
8819 \94Train too long
881A \94Trains can only be altered when stopped inside a depot
881B \94\80 - Trains
881C \94New Rail Vehicles
881D \94New Monorail Vehicles
881E \94New Maglev Vehicles
881F \98Build Vehicle
8820 \98Rename
8821 \98Cost: \8a\7f\0d\98Weight: \8a|t (|t)\0d\98Capacity: \8a\80
8822 \95No orders
8823 \98Skip
8824 \98Delete
8825 \98Non-Stop
8826 \98Go To
8827 \98Full Load
8828 \98Unload
8829 \94\80 (Orders)
882A \01\0a- - End of Orders - -
882B \94Can't build rail vehicle...
882C \95\80\98 Built: \95~\98 Value: \95\7f
882D \95\80\98 Value: \95\7f
882E \94\80
882F \95Loading / Unloading
8830 \94Can't send train to depot...
8831 \94No more space for orders
8832 \94Too many orders
8833 \94Can't insert new order...
8834 \94Can't delete this order...
8835 \94Can't modify this order...
8836 \94Must build train depot first
8837 \94Can't move vehicle...
8838 N/A\85
8839 \94Can't sell rail vehicle...
883A \94Unable to find route to local depot
883B \94Can't stop/start train...
883C \98Servicing interval: \95|days\98 Last service: \95\82
883D \98Trains - click on train for information
883E \98Build new trains (requires train depot)
883F \98Trains - click on train for info.,drag vehicle to add/remove from train
8840 \98Build new train vehicle
8841 \98Drag train vehicle to here to sell it
8842 \98Centre main view on train depot location
8843 \98Train vehicle selection list - click on vehicle for information
8844 \98Build the highlighted train vehicle
8845 \98Rename train vehicle type
8846 \98Current train action - click here to stop/start train
8847 \98Show train's orders
8848 \98Centre main view on train's location
8849 \98Send train to depot
884A \98Force train to proceed without waiting for signal to clear
884B \98Reverse direction of train
884C \98Show train details
884D \98Increase servicing interval
884E \98Decrease servicing interval
884F \98Show details of cargo carried
8850 \98Show details of train vehicles
8851 \98Show capacities of each vehicle
8852 \98Orders list - click on order to highlight it
8853 \98Skip the current order,and start the next
8854 \98Delete the highlighted order
8855 \98Make the highlighted order non-stop
8856 \98Insert a new order before the highlighted order,or add to end of list
8857 \98Make the highlighted order force the vehicle to wait for a full load
8858 \98Make the highlighted order force the vehicle to unload
8859 \98\0fNew \80 now available!
885A \98\0f\80
885B \98Cost: \7f Weight: |t\0dSpeed: \84 Power: |hp\0dRunning Cost: \7f/yr\0dCapacity: \80
885C \8bBroken down
885D \98Age: \95\80\98 Running Cost: \95\7f/yr
885E \98Weight: \95|t \98Power: \95|hp\98 Max. speed: \95\84
885F \98Profit this year: \95\7f (last year: \7f)
8860 \98Reliability: \95}% \98Breakdowns since last service: \95|
8861 \8bStopped
8862 \94Can't make train pass signal at danger...
8863 \8bCrashed!
8864 Train |
8865 \94Name train
8866 \94Can't name train...
8867 \98Name train
8868 \98\0fTrain Crash!\0d| die in fireball after collision
8869 \94Can't reverse direction of train...
886A \94Rename train vehicle type
886B \94Can't rename train vehicle type...