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If something is enclosed by square brackets [] it's optional.
If something is enclosed by square brackets [] it's optional.
{{NML:Block Example}}

Revision as of 14:04, 27 May 2013

Block Syntax


In the next sections you'll often see a word enclosed by the less-than and greater-than symbols. These words should not be written literally, instead they reference to another block/item you should put there. The following words will be used:

A string enclosed by quotes, for example "this is a literal string"
A string defined in the language file, for example string(STR_GRF_NAME)
An expression, this can be a computation or single value constructed using <number>, <float>, <parameter>, <variable>, <function-call>
The name of an item or block. IDs should start with a letter or underscore. The rest of the ID may consist of letters, underscores and numbers.

If something is enclosed by square brackets [] it's optional.

An example block

NML files are mainly composed from blocks. A block starts with the type of the block, optional arguments and then the contents enclosed by curly braces. Nearly all NML files will start with a grf-block. The grf-block takes no parameters and is one of the simplest blocks there is. Following is an example grf-block.

 grf {
 	grfid : "AB\02\03";
 	name : string(STR_GRF_NAME);
 	desc : string(STR_GRF_DESCRIPTION);
 	version: 10;
 	min_compatible_version: 5;

Let's look at this code line for line.

 grf {

This block is a grf-block. A grf-block has no parameters. The '{' is the start of the block content.

 	grfid : "AB\02\03";

This line sets the grfid of the resulting grf. The value is the letters AB followed by a byte with value 2 and then another one with value 3. The semicolon marks the end of the statement.

 	name : string(STR_GRF_NAME);

The name of the grf. In NML nearly all strings are put in language files. The format of the language files is described in another section. For now just assume a string with the name STR_GRF_NAME exists. To reference a string from the language file you use string(<stringname>) where <stringname> should be replaced by the actual name of the string.

 	desc : string(STR_GRF_DESCRIPTION);

This looks a lot like the previous line, only it sets the description instead of the name.

 	version : 10;

For a new grf you should set the version to 1. Every time you release a new version you should increase the version field by at least 1.

 	min_compatible_version : 5;

For a new NewGRF you should set the min_compatible_version to 1. Every time you change something in your newgrf which makes it incompatible to previous versions, you should set min_compatible_version to the current version. Changes which make a NewGRF incompatible to previous versions are most functional changes to existing behaviour, among others: changing vehicleIDs as well as some of their properties, changing industry layouts, railtype compatibility, changing (de-)activation conditions... Adding new, additional things and expanding existing behaviour (without changing the current one) is mostly considered safe).


This marks the end of the last-opened block, in this case the grf-block.


NewGRFs can be used to modify various types of items. Examples include trains, stations and industries. Such a type of item is called a feature. The following table contains a list of features and their identifiers. These identifiers may be used to refer to the feature when needed.

Name Description
FEAT_ROADVEHS Road vehicles
FEAT_STATIONS Train stations
FEAT_HOUSES Town houses
FEAT_GLOBALVARS Various global variables
FEAT_INDUSTRYTILES Industry tiles (visible part of industries)
FEAT_CARGOS Cargo types
FEAT_SIGNALS Train signals
FEAT_OBJECTS Non-interactive objects (example: lighthouse)
FEAT_AIRPORTTILES Airport tiles (visible part of airports)