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Defining Object Class Label Recommendations
Recommendations - Predefined
- Predefined labels are best used for single objects that are not part of a comprehensive set
- It is possible to have a label for each object. This would make for a very ungainly menu.
- A labeling system allows a coder/author to make their works much more user friendly.
- To keep the numbers more manageable, the classes are as generic as possible.
- While being generic, assigning objects to a label should be intuitive.
- Assuming that there will be special circumstances where a coder/author needs to deviate from the norm, the Recommendation is not mandatory.
Label | Action4 Text | Description |
STRU | Structures | Multitile engineered objects that don't quite fit in as industries, houses or stations - dams etc. |
INFR | Infrastructure | light poles, communication towers, transmission towers, road signs, etc. |
BLDG | Buildings | Normally accommodated by industries, houses or stations but the author feels there are limiting circumstances. |
NATR | caves, coral reefs, swamps, etc. | |
PARK | Public areas | Normally accommodated by towns or industries (tourist stuff ...) but the author feels there are limiting circumstances - Parks, statues, etc. |
ARTF | Artifacts | They really don't fit under any of the above - shipwrecks, etc. |
MISC | Miscellaneous | For the author who is unable to accommodate his/her object under any of the previous labels. |
Recommendations - Author defined
- Author defined labels are best used for comprehensive object sets that consist of several obviously related objects.
- Each label must consist of four (4) alphanumeric characters.
- To prevent menu confusion, new labels should be unique and should not duplicate predefined labels (see chart above) nor previously selected author defined labels (see chart below).
- The author should add their label(s) to the following chart in alphanumeric order.
- If an author is uncomfortable with adding a label to the chart, they can PM their request to wallyweb.
- The chart will be regularly reviewed for duplications.
- The chart will be regularly edited for alphanumeric sequence.
Label | Action4 Text | Description | Author | TT-Forums link |
EXM1 | Example 1 | An example label listing | your name here | Forum link goes here |
NLRF | Dutch Road Furniture | For Dutch roadside stuff like fingerposts, direction signs, barriers, guardrails etc. | FooBar | http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=56316 |