TextIDs/Company strings
Company strings 7000 - 77FF
7000 Unnamed\85\85
7001 \94\80\98\80
7002 (Player 1)
7003 (Player 2)
7004 \98New Face
7005 \98Colour Scheme
7006 \8aColour Scheme:
7007 \94New Colour Scheme
7008 \98Company Name
7009 \98Manager Name
700A Company Name
700B Manager's Name
700C \94Can't change company name...
700D \94Can't change manager's name...
700E \94\80 Finances\98\80
700F \94Expenditure/Income
7010 \94~
7011 \8aConstruction
7012 \8aNew Vehicles
7013 \8aTrain Running Costs
7014 \8aRoad Veh. Running Costs
7015 \8aAircraft Running Costs
7016 \8aShip Running Costs
7017 \8aProperty Maintenance
7018 \8aTrain Income
7019 \8aRoad Vehicles Income
701A \8aAircraft Income
701B \8aShip Income
701C \8aLoan Interest
701D \8aOther
701E \98-\7f
701F \98+\7f
7020 \94Total:
7021 \80\80
7022 \94Income Graph
7023 \7f
7024 {
7025 \94Operating Profit Graph
7026 \94Bank Balance
7027 \94Loan
7028 \98\7f
7029 \98Borrow \85\85\85\85\7f
702A \98Repay \85\85\85\85\7f
702B \94...maximum permitted loan size is \7f
702C \94Can't borrow any more money...
702D \94...loan already repayed
702E \94...\7f required
702F \94Can't repay loan...
7030 \98Select new face for manager
7031 \98Change the company vehicle livery
7032 \98Change the manager's name
7033 \98Change the company name
7034 \98Click on selected new colour scheme
7035 \98Increase size of loan
7036 \98Repay part of loan
7037 \94\80\0d\8a(Manager)
7038 \8aInaugurated: \94~
7039 \8aVehicles:
703A \94| train
703B \94| trains
703C \94| road vehicle
703D \94| road vehicles
703E \94| aircraft
703F \94| aircraft
7040 \94| ship
7041 \94| ships
7042 \94None
7043 \94Face Selection
7044 \98Male
7045 \98Female
7046 \98New Face
7047 \98Cancel new face selection
7048 \98Accept new face selection
7049 \98Select male faces
704A \98Select female faces
704B \98Generate random new face
704C \98Key
704D \98Show key to graphs
704E \94Key to company graphs
704F \98Click here to toggle company's entry on graph on/off
7050 \94Units of cargo delivered
7051 \94Company performance ratings (maximum rating=1000)
7052 \94Company values
7053 \94Company League Table
7054 \94\80\01-\8e\80 \98\80 '\80'
7055 \90\80\01-\8e\80 \98\80 '\80'
7056 \98\0fTransport company in trouble!
7057 \98\0f\80 will be sold off or declared bankrupt unless performance increases soon!
7058 \98\80\0d(Manager)
7059 \98\0fTransport company merger!
705A \98\0f\80 has been sold to \80 for \7f!
705B \94We are looking for a transport company to take-over our company\0d\0dDo you want to purchase \80 for \7f?
705C \98\0fBankrupt!
705D \98\0f\80 has been closed down by creditors and all assets sold off!
705E \98\0fNew transport company launched!
705F \98\0f\80 starts construction near \80!
7060 \94Can't buy company...
7061 \94Cargo Payment Rates
7062 \98\0eDays in transit
7063 \98\0ePayment for delivering 10 units (or 1,000 litres) of cargo a distance of 20 squares
7064 \98Toggle graph for cargo type on/off
7065 \98\0e\80
7066 Engineer
7067 Traffic Manager
7068 Transport Coordinator
7069 Route Supervisor
706A Director
706B Chief Executive
706C Chairman
706D President
706E Tycoon
706F \98Build HQ
7070 \98Build company headquarters / view company headquarters
7071 \94Can't build company headquarters...
7072 \98View HQ
7073 \0f\98World Recession!\0d\0dFinancial experts fear worst as economy slumps!
7074 \0f\98Recession Over!\0d\0dUpturn in trade gives confidence to industries as economy strengthens!
7075 \98Toggle large/small window size
7076 \8aCompany value: \94\7f
7077 \98Buy 25% share in company
7078 \98Sell 25% share in company
7079 \98Buy 25% share in this company
707A \98Sell 25% share in this company
707B \94Can't buy 25% share in this company...
707C \94Can't sell 25% share in this company...
707D \94(|% owned by \80)
707E \94(|% owned by \80\0d |% owned by \80)
707F \98\0f\80 has been taken over by \80!