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Object labels
Defining Object Class Label Recommendations
Recommendations - Predefined
1. Predefined labels are best used for single objects that are not part of a comprehensive set
2. It is possible to have a label for each object. This would make for a very ungainly menu.
3. A labeling system allows a coder/author to make their works much more user friendly.
4. To keep the numbers more manageable, the classes are as generic as possible.
5. While being generic, assigning objects to a label should be intuitive.
6. Assuming that there will be special circumstances where a coder/author needs to deviate from the norm, the Recommendation is not mandatory.
|Transport Tycoon's copy-written objects - lighthouse, communication tower, rocks, etc. OTTD|
|OpenGFX objects - lighthouse, communication tower, rocks, etc. STRU|
|Multitile engineered objects that don't quite fit in as industries, houses or stations - dams etc. INFR|
| - light poles, communication towers, transmission towers, road signs, etc. BLDG|
|Normally accommodated by industries, houses or stations but the author feels there are limiting circumstances. NATR|
| - caves, coral reefs, swamps, etc. PARK|
|Normally accommodated by towns or industries (tourist stuff ...) but the author feels there are limiting circumstances - Parks, statues, etc. ARTF|
|They really don't fit under any of the above - shipwrecks, etc. MISC|
|For the author who is unable to accommodate his/her object under any of the previous labels.||
Recommendations - Author defined
1. Author defined labels are best used for comprehensive object sets that consist of several obviously related objects.
2. Each label must consist of four (4) alphanumeric characters.
3. To prevent menu confusion, new labels should be unique and should not duplicate predefined labels (see chart above) nor previously selected author defined labels (see chart below).
4. The author should add their label(s) to the following chart in alphanumeric order.
5. If an author is uncomfortable with adding a label to the chart, they can PM their request to [1].
6. The chart will be regularly reviewed for duplications.
7. The chart will be regularly edited for alphanumeric sequence.
|An example label listing|your name here|Forum link goes here EXM2|
|Another example label listing|your name here|Forum link goes here||