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Default properties values for TTD's industries

Default Industry Properties

Default property values for TTD's industries

))This page was blatantly stolen from Csaba to aid GRF coders in their workmiscmods.dontfixtropicbanks bit is set. This table contains the fixed values. If the player has set that bit, the two marked values will be swapped.

Industry Layouts

Each layout consists of industry tile IDs to build. Keep in mind that the X axis of the TTD coordinate system goes SW and the Y axis goes SE. This means that to get the real alignment from this chart, you need to mirror things around the vertical axis, then rotate them 45 degrees counter-clockwise.


00h|Coal mine|~pp~05 06 03


  02 03~/pp~|~pp~03 03 00

04 00 02

04 02 04~/pp~|~pp~00 03

02 03

05 06~/pp~|~pp~   05 06

00 00 04

02 02 03

04 03~/pp~

01h|Power station|~pp~07 07 07 0A

09 08 08 0A~/pp~|~pp~   08 09

07 08 0A

07 07 09~/pp~|~pp~07 09 0A

07 08 09~/pp~

02h|Sawmill|~pp~0F 0E 0E

0F 0C 0D

0C 0B~/pp~|~pp~0F 0F 0B

0B 0D 0D

0E 0C~/pp~

03h|Forest|~pp~10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10

  10 10~/pp~|~pp~10 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10 10

10 10 10 10 10

  10 10 10~/pp~

04h|Oil refinery|~pp~14 14 17

15 13 12 17

16 16 12 12

15 14 12 12~/pp~|~pp~12 12 12

12 12 12

15 13 13

16 14 16

14 17 17~/pp~

05h|Oil rig|~pp~

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

xx                         xx

xx                         xx

xx                         xx

xx         [18]1A xx       xx

xx          18 1B          xx

xx          19 1C          xx

xx                         xx

xx                         xx

xx                         xx

xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx~/pp~ (*)

06h|Factory (temperate climate)|~pp~27 29

28 2A 27 29

27 29 28 2A

28 2A~/pp~|~pp~27 29 27 29

28 2A 28 2A

  27 29

  28 2A~/pp~

07h|Printing works|~pp~2B 2D

2C 2E 2B 2D

2B 2D 2C 2E

2C 2E~/pp~|~pp~2B 2D 2B 2D

2C 2E 2C 2E

  2B 2D

  2C 2E~/pp~

08h|Steel mill|~pp~38 39 38 39

38 39 34 36

38 39 35 37~/pp~|~pp~34 36 34 36

35 37 35 37

38 39 38 39

  38 39~/pp~

09h|Farm (temperate or sub-arctic)|~pp~25 21 23

25 22 26

24 24 26~/pp~|~pp~23 25 25

24 21 25

24 22 26

23 26 26~/pp~|~pp~24 23 21

24 26 22

25 26 25

25 25 23~/pp~

0Ah|Copper ore mine|~pp~2F 2F 33

31 31 33

33 32~/pp~|~pp~32 2F 33

2F 31 2F

31 33 31~/pp~

0Bh|Oil wells|~pp~1D 1D 1D


1D~/pp~|~pp~1D 1D




0Ch|Bank (temperate)|~pp~3A 3B~/pp~

0Dh|Food processing plant|~pp~3C 3C 3C

3C 3C 3C

3D 3D 3F

3E 3E 3F~/pp~|~pp~3D 3C 3D 3D

3E 3F 3F 3F

3C 3C 3C 3C

3E 3E~/pp~

0Eh|Paper mill|~pp~40 41 42 43

44 45 43 43

42 47 47 46~/pp~

0Fh|Gold mine|~pp~48 4C 50 54

49 4D 51 55

4A 4E 52 56

4B 4F 53 57~/pp~

10h|Bank (sub-tropical or sub-arctic)|~pp~59 5A~/pp~

11h|Diamond mine|~pp~5B 5E 61

5C 5F 62

5D 60 63~/pp~

12h|Iron ore mine|~pp~64 68 6C 70

65 69 6D 71

66 6A 6E 72

67 6B 6F 73~/pp~

13h|Fruit plantation|~pp~74 74 74 74 74

74 74 74 74 74

74 74 74 74 74

74 74 74 74 74~/pp~

14h|Rubber plantation|~pp~75 75 75 75 75

75 75 75 75 75

75 75 75 75 75

75 75 75 75 75~/pp~

15h|Water supply|~pp~76 76

77 77~/pp~

16h|Water tower|~pp~78~/pp~

17h|Factory (sub-tropical)|~pp~79 7B

7A 7C

79 7B

7A 7C~/pp~|~pp~79 7B 79 7B

7A 7C 7A 7C~/pp~

18h|Farm (sub-tropical)|~pp~25 21 23

25 22 26

24 24 26~/pp~|~pp~23 25 25

24 21 25

24 22 26

23 26 26~/pp~|~pp~24 23 21

24 26 22

25 26 25

25 25 23~/pp~

19h|Lumber mill|~pp~7D 7F

7E 80~/pp~

1Ah|Candyfloss forest|~pp~81 81 81 81

81 81 81 81

81 81 81 81

81 81 81 81

  81 81~/pp~|~pp~81 81 81 81 81

81 81 81 81 81

81 81 81 81 81

81 81 81 81 81

  81 81 81~/pp~

1Bh|Sweet factory|~pp~83 85

84 86 83 85

83 85 84 86

84 86~/pp~|~pp~83 85 83 85

84 86 84 86

  83 85

  84 86~/pp~

1Ch|Battery farm|~pp~87 87 87 87 87

87 87 87 87 87

87 87 87 87 87

87 87 87 87 87~/pp~

1Dh|Cola wells|~pp~89 89

89 89 89

89 89 89~/pp~|~pp~   89

89 89 89

89 89


1Eh|Toy shop|~pp~8A 8C

8B 8D~/pp~

1Fh|Toy factory|~pp~93 93 93 92

8E 8F 90 91~/pp~

20h|Plastic fountains|~pp~94


9A~/pp~|~pp~94 97 9A~/pp~

21h|Fizzy drink factory|~pp~9C 9E

9D 9F~/pp~

22h|Bubble generator|~pp~A3 A3 A3

A0 A1 A2

A3 A3 A3

A0 A1 A2~/pp~

23h|Toffee quarry|~pp~A4 A5 A6~/pp~

24h|Sugar mine|~pp~A7 A9 AB AD

A8 AA AC AE~/pp~||

(*) Oil rigs are slightly special industries, since they have industry "tile" FFh, which doesn't create anything on the landscape, but the tile is still checked, and construction fails if it isn't a clear water tile. These special tiles are marked with "xx". The north corner of the industry is marked with <nowiki>[ ]</nowiki>.