List of all base costs
Base Costs
This is a list of all base costs used by TTD.
Number is the ID to use for action 0 feature 8 property 08.
Location is the address in the savegame structure.
Default value is the initial value used at the game start.
||Number|Location|Default|Used for
1|4B3A|100|build track
2|4B40|95|build road
3|4B46|65|place signal
4|4B4C|275|build bridge tile
5|4B52|600|build rail depot
6|4B58|500|build road depot
7|4B5E|700|build ship depot
8|4B64|450|build tunnel unit
9|4B6A|200|build platform unit (per tile)
A|4B70|180|build platform fixed (per platform)
B|4B76|600|build airport tile
C|4B7C|200|build bus station
D|4B82|200|build lorry area
E|4B88|350|build dock
F|4B8E|400,000|locomotive purchase
10|4B94|2000|waggon purchase
11|4B9A|700,000|aircraft purchase
12|4BA0|14,000|road vehicle purchase
13|4BA6|65,000|ship purchase
14|4BAC|20|plant tree
15|4BB2|250|raise/lower land
16|4BB8|20|clear grass
17|4BBE|40|clear rough land
18|4BC4|200|clear rocks
19|4BCA|500|clear fields
1A|4BD0|20|remove tree
1B|4BD6|-70|remove track
1C|4BDC|10|remove signal
1D|4BE2|50|remove bridge tile
1E|4BE8|80|remove rail depot
1F|4BEE|80|remove road depot
20|4BF4|90|remove ship depot
21|4BFA|30|remove tunnel tile
22|4C00|10,000|clear water
23|4C06|50|remove platform tile
24|4C0C|30|remove airport tile
25|4C12|50|remove bus station
26|4C18|50|remove lorry area
27|4C1E|55|remove dock
28|4C24|1600|remove house
29|4C2A|40|remove road
2A|4C30|5600|steam engine running costs
2B|4C36|5200|diesel engine running costs
2C|4C3C|4800|electricengine running costs
2D|4C42|9600|aircraft running costs
2E|4C48|1600|road vehicle running costs
2F|4C4E|5600|ship running costs
30|4C54|1,000,000|funding industries||
Note that some values may be adjusted by certain constant factors before being used by the game, but that is a property of the place where it's used, not the base cost as such.
Also, all constructions costs and all running costs are subject to modification by the game difficulty settings.