Default property values for TTD's houses
Default House Properties
Default property values for TTD's houses
This page is largely a copy of housedata.html, from
This list contains all properties of default TTD house types, allowing you to know what will be copied to your new house ID when you set its property 8, and can also be used for reference when deciding what properties your new house should have. House names are taken from Marcin Grzegorczyk's "Transport Tycoon Deluxe savegame internals" file, which has more descriptive names than the original TTD ones. Unfortunately, even these names aren't unique, either. The "Flags" column lists what will be set to your new building's property 9 (that's why their church and stadium flags aren't set). Negative goods acceptance means that the building accepts food/candy instead of goods/fizzy drinks. "None" in the max. year column means that the building type never becomes obsolete. The rest of the columns is pretty self-explanatory.
|| ID| Name| Climates | Town zones| Flags| Min. build year| Max. build year| Population| Mail generation| Passenger acceptance (in 1/8 units)| Mail acceptance (in 1/8 units)| Goods/food acceptance (in 1/8 units)| Remove ratings decrease| Remove cost multiplier
00h| tall office block| temperate| 4| 01h| 1963 | none| 187| 70| 8| 3| 4| 140| 150
01h| office block| temperate| 3, 4| 01h| 1957| none| 85| 55 | 8| 3| 4| 130| 140
02h| small block of flats| temperate | 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1968| none| 40| 20| 8| 3| 1 | 90| 100
03h| church| temperate| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930 | none| 5| 2| 2| 0| 0| 230| 90
04h| large office block| temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical| 4| 21h| 1975| none| 220| 85| 10| 4| 6| 160| 160
05h| large office block| snow | 4| 21h| 1975| none| 220| 85| 10| 4| 6 | 160| 160
06h| town houses| temperate| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none| 30| 12| 4| 1| 0| 80| 80
07h| hotel (N part)| temperate| 2, 4| 08h| 1959| none| 140| 22 | 6| 1| 2| 150| 180
08h| hotel (E part)| | | 00h| 1959| none| 0| 22| 6| 1| 2| 150 | 180
09h| statue| temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical| 3, 4| 01h| 1945| none | 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 40| 65
0Ah | fountain | temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical| 4| 01h| 1945| none| 0| 0| 2 | 0| 0| 40| 65
0Bh| park (with a pond)| temperate| 2 | 01h| 1930| none| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 75 | 60
0Ch| park (with an alley)| temperate| 3| 01h| 1935| none| 0| 0| 2| 0| 0| 75| 60
0Dh | office block | temperate| 3, 4| 01h| 1951| none| 150| 65| 8 | 2| 4| 110| 130
0Eh| shops and offices 1| temperate| 2, 3, 4 | 01h| 1930| 1960| 95| 48| 6| 2| 3| 100 | 110
0Fh| shops and offices 2| temperate| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| 1960 | 95| 48| 6| 2| 3| 100| 105
10h | shops and offices 3 | temperate| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| 1960| 95| 48| 6 | 2| 3| 100| 107
11h| modern office building| temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical| 4 | 01h| 1977| none| 130| 50| 10| 3| 6| 150 | 200
12h| warehouse| temperate| 4| 01h| 1983| none | 6| 10| 6| 3| 8| 110| 145
13h | office block (with spiral stairway) | temperate| 4| 01h| 1985| none| 110| 55| 6| 2| 6| 110| 155
14h| stadium (N part)| temperate| 0, 1, 2, 3| 10h| 1930| none| 65| 5| 4| 0| 0| 300 | 250
15h| stadium (E part)| | | 00h| 1930| none| 0 | 5| 4| 0| 0| 300| 250
16h| stadium (W part) | | | 00h| 1930| none| 0| 5| 4| 0| 0 | 300| 250
17h| stadium (S part)| | | 00h| 1930| none | 0| 5| 4| 0| 0| 300| 250
18h | old houses | temperate| 0, 1| 01h| 1930| 1951| 15| 6| 3 | 1| 0| 75| 70
19h| cottages| temperate| 0| 01h| 1930| 1952| 12| 7| 3| 1| 0| 75 | 75
1Ah| houses| temperate| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1931| none | 13| 8| 3| 1| 0| 75| 71
1Bh | flats | temperate| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1935| none| 100| 35| 7 | 2| 2| 100| 135
1Ch| tall office block| temperate| 2, 3, 4 | 01h| 1963| none| 170| 50| 8| 3| 3| 170 | 145
1Dh| shops and offices| temperate| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| 1955 | 100| 40| 6| 2| 3| 135| 132
1Eh | shops and offices | temperate, subtropical| 2, 4| 01h| 1973| none| 180| 64| 8 | 3| 3| 180| 155
1Fh| theatre| temperate| 3, 4 | 01h| 1930| none| 35| 23| 8| 2| 2| 230 | 220
20h| stadium (modern style, N part)| temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical| 0, 1, 2, 3| 10h| 1958| none | 65| 5| 4| 0| 0| 300| 250
21h | stadium (modern style, E part) | | | 00h| 1958| none| 0| 5| 4| 0 | 0| 300| 250
22h| stadium (modern style, W part)| | | 00h| 1958 | none| 0| 5| 4| 0| 0| 300| 250
23h| stadium (modern style, S part)| | | 00h| 1958| none| 0| 5| 4 | 0| 0| 300| 250
24h| offices ('vertical tube' style)| temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical| 3, 4 | 01h| 2000| none| 140| 65| 8| 3| 2| 250 | 170
25h| houses| sub-arctic| 0, 1| 01h| 1930| 1960 | 15| 6| 3| 1| -1| 75| 70
26h | houses | snow| 0, 1| 01h| 1930| 1960| 15| 6| 3 | 1| -1| 75| 70
27h| cinema| temperate| 2, 3, 4 | 01h| 1945| none| 35| 23| 8| 2| 2| 230 | 210
28h| shopping mall (N part)| temperate| 1, 2, 3, 4| 10h| 1983| none | 180| 5| 8| 2| 3| 300| 250
29h | shopping mall (E part) | | | 00h| 1983| none| 0| 5| 8| 2 | 3| 300| 250
2Ah| shopping mall (W part)| | | 00h| 1983| none| 0| 5| 8| 2| 3| 300| 250
2Bh| shopping mall (S part)| | | 00h| 1983| none| 0| 5| 8 | 2| 3| 300| 250
2Ch| flats| sub-arctic| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 80| 20| 5| 2| -2| 90| 100
2Dh| flats| snow| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none | 80| 20| 5| 2| -2| 90| 100
2Eh | houses | sub-arctic| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none| 16| 6| 3| 1| -2| 70| 70
2Fh| houses| snow| 0, 1, 2, 3 | 01h| 1930| none| 16| 6| 3| 1| -2| 70 | 70
30h| houses| sub-arctic| 0, 1, 2| 01h| 1930| 1963 | 14| 6| 3| 1| -2| 70| 80
31h | houses | snow| 0, 1, 2| 01h| 1930| 1963| 14| 6| 3 | 1| -2| 70| 80
32h| tall office block| sub-arctic, subtropical| 3, 4 | 01h| 1966| none| 135| 60| 8| 3| 4| 120| 150
33h| tall office block| snow| 3, 4| 01h| 1966| none | 135| 60| 8| 3| 4| 120| 150
34h | tall office block | sub-arctic| 3, 4| 01h| 1970| none| 170| 70| 9 | 3| 4| 130| 170
35h| tall office block| snow| 3, 4 | 01h| 1970| none| 170| 70| 9| 3| 4| 130 | 170
36h| tall office block| sub-arctic, subtropical| 3, 4| 01h| 1974| none | 210| 80| 10| 3| 5| 140| 200
37h | tall office block | snow| 3, 4| 01h| 1974| none| 210| 80| 10 | 3| 5| 140| 200
38h| houses| sub-arctic| 0 | 01h| 1930| none| 10| 5| 2| 1| -1| 60| 60
39h| houses| snow| 0| 01h| 1930| none | 10| 5| 2| 1| -1| 60| 60
3Ah | shops and offices | sub-arctic| 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 25| 20| 3 | 1| -1| 80| 100
3Bh| shops and offices| snow| 1, 2, 3, 4 | 01h| 1930| none| 25| 20| 3| 1| -1| 80 | 100
3Ch| church| sub-arctic| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none | 6| 2| 2| 0| 0| 230| 85
3Dh | church | snow| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none| 6| 2| 2| 0| 0| 230| 85
3Eh| houses| sub-arctic| 0, 1, 2 | 01h| 1930| none| 17| 7| 3| 1| -1| 80| 80
3Fh| houses| snow| 0, 1, 2| 01h| 1930| none | 17| 7| 3| 1| -1| 80| 80
40h | shops and offices | sub-arctic| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| 1960| 90| 45| 6 | 2| 3| 110| 140
41h| shops and offices| snow| 2, 3, 4 | 01h| 1930| 1960| 90| 45| 6| 2| 3| 110 | 140
42h| hotel (N part)| sub-arctic| 2, 3, 4| 08h| 1972| none | 140| 25| 6| 1| -3| 160| 160
43h | hotel (E part) | | | 00h| 1972| none| 0| 25| 6| 1 | 2| 160| 160
44h| hotel (N part)| snow| 2, 3, 4| 08h | 1972| none| 140| 25| 6| 1| -3| 160| 160
45h| hotel (E part)| | | 00h| 1972| none| 0| 25| 6| 1| 2| 160| 160
46h| shops and offices| sub-arctic, subtropical | 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1963| none| 105| 50| 7| 2| 3 | 105| 130
47h| shops and offices| snow| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1963 | none| 105| 50| 7| 2| 3| 105| 130
48h| tall office block| sub-arctic| 3, 4| 01h| 1978| none| 190| 75 | 9| 3| 4| 135| 190
49h| tall office block| snow| 3, 4| 01h| 1978| none| 190| 75| 9| 3| 4| 135| 190
4Ah| tall office block (N part)| sub-arctic| 2, 3, 4| 04h| 1967| none| 250| 60| 7| 2| 2| 200| 140
4Bh| tall office block (W part)| | | 00h| 1967| none| 0| 60| 7 | 2| 2| 200| 140
4Ch| tall office block (N part)| snow| 2, 3, 4| 04h| 1967| none| 250| 60| 7| 2| 2| 200 | 140
4Dh| tall office block (W part)| | | 00h| 1967| none| 0 | 60| 7| 2| 2| 200| 140
4Eh| houses (with a tree in a corner)| subtropical| 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 16| 6| 3| 1| -2| 80| 80
4Fh| houses| subtropical| 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h | 1930| none| 16| 6| 3| 1| -2| 80| 80
50h| houses| subtropical| 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 16| 5| 3| 1| -2| 80| 80
51h| houses (suburb-type) | subtropical| 0| 01h| 1930| none| 7| 4| 3| 1| -1| 30| 30
52h| flats| subtropical| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 45| 15| 6| 2| 1| 95| 130
53h| church| subtropical| 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none| 8 | 3| 2| 0| 0| 200| 90
54h| houses (with two trees in front)| subtropical| 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 18| 7| 3| 1 | -2| 80| 80
55h| flats| subtropical| 2, 3, 4| 01h | 1973| none| 90| 24| 6| 2| 1| 95| 110
56h| flats| subtropical| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1962| none| 120| 25| 6| 2| 1| 95| 120
57h| tall office block (N part) | subtropical| 3, 4| 04h| 1984| none| 250| 80| 8| 3| 4| 140| 190
58h| tall office block (W part)| subtropical| | 00h| 1984 | none| 0| 80| 8| 3| 4| 140| 190
59h| flats| subtropical| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 80| 23| 6| 2| 1| 95| 110
5Ah| tall office block| subtropical| 3, 4| 01h| 1993| none| 180| 90| 8| 3| 4| 150| 180
5Bh| church| toyland| 0, 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 8| 3| 2| 0| 0| 200| 90
5Ch| toyland houses| toyland| 0, 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 18| 5 | 6| 2| 2| 90| 90
5Dh| toyland houses| toyland | 0, 1| 01h| 1930| none| 7| 3| 3| 1| 1| 50| 70
5Eh| toyland houses| toyland| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none| 15| 6| 3| 1| 2| 75| 80
5Fh| toyland houses| toyland| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none| 17| 6 | 3| 1| 2| 75| 80
60h| toyland houses| toyland | 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none| 19| 6| 3| 1| 2 | 75| 80
61h| toyland houses| toyland| 0, 1, 2, 3| 01h| 1930| none| 21| 6| 3| 1| 2| 75| 80
62h| tall office block| toyland| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 75| 20 | 8| 4| 2| 130| 160
63h| shoe house (N part)| toyland | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4| 08h| 1930| none| 35| 9| 4| 1| 2 | 80| 90
64h| shoe house (E part)| | | 00h| 1930| none | 0| 0| 4| 1| 2| 80| 90
65h | tall office block | toyland| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 85| 18| 8 | 4| 2| 130| 150
66h| igloo| toyland| 0 | 01h| 1930| none| 11| 3| 3| 1| 1| 45 | 60
67h| tepees| toyland| 0| 01h| 1930| none | 10| 3| 3| 1| 1| 45| 60
68h| shops and offices | toyland| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 67| 22| 8 | 4| -4| 130| 140
69h| shops and offices| toyland| 2, 3, 4 | 01h| 1930| none| 86| 23| 8| 4| -4| 130 | 145
6Ah| tall office block| toyland| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 95| 28| 8| 4| 2| 130| 165
6Bh | statue | toyland| 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 30| 10| 4 | 1| 2| 70| 90
6Ch| teapot-house| toyland| 0, 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 25| 8| 3| 1| 2| 65| 75
6Dh| piggy-bank| toyland| 0, 1, 2, 3, 4| 01h| 1930| none| 18| 7| 3| 2| -4| 95| 85