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(Railtype specific action3)
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Revision as of 06:55, 28 August 2011


Action 3 assigns graphics sets (referenced to by (chains of) action 2(s) to feature IDs. Supported by OpenTTD 1.0 (r19056)1.0 Not supported by TTDPatch Railtypes are available only in OpenTTD > r19056


The format of the data is feature-dependent. For railtypes it looks like

 <Sprite-number> * <Length> 03 10 <n-id> <ids...> <num-cid> <cargo-type> <set-ID>... <default set-ID>
Element Size Description
<Sprite-number> dec A sequential sprite number
<length> dec The total number of bytes used in this action
03 B Defines action 03
10 B The feature byte for railtypes
<n-id> B Number of IDs this action 3 associates graphics with
<ids...> B/B* IDs of the current feature this action 3 associates graphics with. There must be as many IDs as <n-id> specifies
<num-cid> B Number of different "cargo" types to support
<cargo-type> B "Cargo" type for which to use the following set-ID
<set-ID> W Set-ID (from action 2 or from a varaction2 chain) to use for this cargo type
<default set-ID> W Default set-ID to use if none of the above matches



This is just the number you are at.


Count the number of bytes in this action.


How many items of the current feature this action 3 defines new graphics for. If this is more than one, all items listed will get the same graphics. If this value has bit 7 set (i.e. 80 added), it is a wagon override. See Action 3 - Livery Override for more info on this feature.

You can make a definition with n-id equal to zero (and thus no ids that follow).  This creates a generic feature-specific definition not associated with any particular item.  At the moment, this is used for generic callbacks, but might be extended to other functions eventually.


Feature IDs to use this action 3 for. All IDs are counted from the first of their class, i.e. the first road vehicle has 00, as does the first plane, the first ship, and the first train vehicle.


Number of "cargo" type definitions that follow.


Railtypes re-uses in its Action3 the 'cargo'-type definition in order to assign the type of graphics defined by the associated set-ID:

'Cargo' Type Sprite Type #Sprites Useage
00 Icons and cursors 16 4 rail directions, autorail, depot, tunnel and convert rail. First all icons, then all cursors.
01 Track overlays for junctions and PBS[1] 10 6 flat and 4 slope pieces. Sprites should contain only the track, with no landscape.
02 Underlay[1] 16 6 flat and 4 slope, and 1 X crossing pieces with track, and 5 junction pieces without track. Sprites should contain the track and the 'ballast' below it. No landscape should be drawn.
03 Tunnel[1] 4 1 sprite for each direction. Sprite is overlay for track in existing tunnel graphics. The original ground sprite is drawn, then the overlay, then possibly a train and the original tunnel head is drawn over the top. This keeps compatibility with different landscape types. Sprite order: SW, NW, NE, SE.
04 Catenary wire 28 Follows the same layout for wires of the first 28 sprites as Action5 type 5.
05 Catenary pylons 8 Follows the same layout for pylons of the 8 sprites after the wires as Action5 type 5.
06 Bridge surfaces[1] 6 10 sprites if we ever include diagonal bridges.
07 Level crossing overlay[1] 10 1 rail overlay and 4 light sprites for X and Y.
08 Depots 6 2 sprites for each southish, 1 sprite for each northish. Follows the original layout for depot sprites.
09 Fences 8 X, Y, Vertical, Horizontal, SW slope, SE slope, NE slope and NW slope. Follows the same layout as original original fence sprites at sprite 1301.
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 These sprites must be provided, the others may be left out, if not needed.

GUI sprites (00)

Railtype gui.png

Rail overlay (01)

Railtype overlay.png

Rail underlay (02)

Railtype underlay.png

Level crossing sprites (07)

Sprite number for X Sprite number for Y Useage
0    1    Rail overlay
2    3    North light
4    5    East light
6    7    West light
8    9    South light

Depot sprites (08)

Sprite Number Usage
0    NE wall for SE-entry depot.
1    Depot building for SE-entry depot.
2    NW wall for SW-entry depot.
3    Depot building for SW-entry depot.
4    Depot building for NE-entry depot.
5    Depot building for NW-entry depot.

Fences (09)

Railtype fences.png

default set-ID

Default set-ID if no entry from the cargo-type list above matches, or if there are no special cargo-types listed at all.
