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Revision as of 19:34, 22 July 2011

Variable Size Description
81 B current year (count from 1920, max. 2175 even with eternalgame)
83 B Current climate: 00 = temp, 01 = arctic, 02 = trop, 03 = toyland
84 D GRF loading stage, see below
85 B TTDPatch flags: only for bit tests
86 B Road traffic side: bit 4 clear=left, set=right
88 4*B Checks specified GRFID (see condition-types below)
8B D TTDPatch version, see below
8D B TTD version, 0=DOS, 1=Windows
8E B Y-Offset for train sprites
8F 4*B Rail track type cost factors
92 B Game mode, 0 in title screen, 1 in game and 2 in editor
93 D Tile refresh offset to left
94 D Tile refresh offset to right
95 D Tile refresh offset upwards
96 D Tile refresh offset downwards
9A D Has always all bits set; you can use this to make unconditional jumps
9D D TTD Platform, 0=TTDPatch, 1=OpenTTD
A1 D OpenTTD version, see below.
A2 D Difficulty level: 00= easy, 01=medium, 02=hard, 03=custom, since r12449 for OpenTTD and r1857 for TTDPatch
A3 D Current date(4); long format, since r13376 in OpenTTD and r2048 in TTDPatch
A4 D Current year(4); long format, year zero based since r13376 in OpenTTD and r2048 in TTDPatch
Writable by ActionD
8E B Y-Offset for train sprites
8F 3*B Rail track type cost factors
93 W Tile refresh offset to left
94 W Tile refresh offset to right
95 W Tile refresh offset upwards
96 W Tile refresh offset downwards
97 B Snow line height
99 D Global ID offset
9E D Misc. GRF Features
9F D Locale-dependent settings

Note 1: All other parameter values greater than 80 (hexadecimal) are reserved and must not be used in action 7 or 9.

Note 2: The value of variable 88 can only be tested with the GRFID tests.

Note 3: The tile refresh offsets are available from TTDPatch 2.0.1 alpha 39. See Action D for more details on their use.

Note 4: OpenTTD doesn't report the current date and year but the date and year the game was loaded. The reason lies in the fact that it was seen that use of this variable leads to desyncs in network games.

Variable 84 is a BYTE variable up to TTDPatch 2.5r1220. Its lower byte (bits 0..7) are 0 for the post-load and GRF initialization stages and 01 for all other stages. The remaining bits are a bitmask, and including the lower byte have the following meaning:

Bit Meaning
0 Set after the "Initialization" stage completes
1..7 Always clear
8 Set during the "Reserve" stage only
9 Set during the "Activate" stage only
10 Set during the "Test" stage only

Variable 8B has the following format: MMmrbbbb (though encoded in little endian as bb bb mr MM)

Element Meaning Value
MM major First number of the TTDPatch version
m minor Second number of the TTDPatch version
r revision Third number of the TTDPatch version*
bbbb build Alpha/beta version number times ten (up to an including TTDPatch 2.5 beta 5), SVN revision (from TTDPatch 2.5 beta 5 r418 on)


Version Variable 8B Elements
1.9.1 alpha 50 019101F4 MM=01, m=9, r=1, bbbb=50*10=01F4
2.0 beta 4 02040028 MM=02, m=0, r=4*, bbbb=4*10=0028
2.0 final 02070046 MM=02, m=0, r=7*, bbbb=70=0046
2.0 rev 1 02070050 MM=02, m=0, r=7*, bbbb=80=0050
2.0.1 alpha 3 020A001E MM=02, m=0, r=10*, bbbb=3*10=001E
2.5 beta 2 02500014 MM=02, m=5, r=0, bbbb=2*10=0014
2.5 rev631 02500631 MM=02, m=5, r=0, bbbb=631=0631

(*) For TTDPatch 2.0, r=7 and for TTDPatch 2.0.1 series, r=10 due to an oversight which used r=1..4 for TTDPatch 2.0 beta 1..4.

To detect versions from TTDPatch 2.5 rev419 and up correctly, check that var. 8B is 02500419 or higher, or replace 0419 with the actual required revision (using the revision number as hex digits). Because SVN revisions are shared with other patch branches, it is important to check the actual patch version as well as the SVN revision.

Variable A1 has the following format: Mmrbbbbb (though encoded in little endian as bb bb rb Mm). This variable has only a usefull meaning when variable 9D is 1 (OpenTTD). This variable can be used since OpenTTD r11330.

Element Meaning Value
M major First number of the OpenTTD version
m minor Second number of the OpenTTD version
r revision Third number of the OpenTTD version
bbbbb build Subversion revision of a build leading towards a release. When a final release is done 80000h is set.

The presence of 80000h (bit 19 set) means that a release always has a higher version number than any builds leading to that release.